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Gakuya Bento Miniature Collection

Gakuya Bento Miniature Collection


Lineup: All 4 Varieties


・Tsutaya (津多屋)

Nori 2-tier Makunouchi Bento


・Kinbe (魚屋さんのお弁当 金兵衛)

Grilled Gindara with Saikyo-style Marinade Bento



・Rikyu-gyutan (牛たん炭焼 利久)

Gyutan 3-color Donburi Bento


・Popeye Onigiri (お弁当のポパイ)

Onigiri Bento


<Lucky Item>

Bottled Green Tea 🍵

The lucky item this time is the perfect companion to bento, "tea"! If you win the lucky item, display it with your bento!


Also included accessories such as chopsticks, wrapping paper, and handkerchiefs! When the bento boxes are neatly arranged in the packaging box, you can feel the anticipation.

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